
this is a forgeworld fighta-bomma which i bought at games day a long time ago (i was 11 :0)

i remember hoarding my money for months to afford this thing. it was one of my life goals to have one you see 🙂

so i painted it up in classic red speedy colours, even gave the flames a go!

played with it a few times over the next 5 years or so, mainly just liked the model. apocalipse came out and i decided i really needed to make a base.

i made this by cutting a circle of MDF out with a bandsaw. drilled a hole through the centre (wide enough to fit coat-hanger wire) and glued a circle of plasticard to the base. cut two 6 inch strips of coat hanger wire (incase one got bent/lost) and drilled a hole into the centre point of the fighta-bomma.



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